English Stuff

A collection of my English texts - most of them still need to get overworked.
So it would be nice if you help me to find the mistakes - just leave a comment and tell.
Thank you and enjoy it here

Sean Dimitjana

Location: Germany

I spend my time with writing, reading, music and with friends.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Just a dream

I can't remember everything, just parts of it, like the picture has been broken and then filled into a kaleidoscope and I'm the one looking through it.
Yet I don't know what kind of beings they have been, I guess some kind of magic. But if human or another race, I don't know.

Most of all I remember colors, like the absolute black of this man or the beautiful shining light of the queen of them. And yet there are other colors like the ocean blue of the man that the girl fell in love. I was in a way with her, not sure if she felt my presence.
I've not understand the way of their laws or anything else. They seem to be guided by feelings strong and beautiful. But some even as beautiful as they are can hardly see the light and stars which lead them. Some of them have fallen and got lost, finding their place somewhere else. And some others just wait until their time has come.

And yet there is the girl, I've become or just accompanied for the time of my dream. She was one of the few born with different colors, beautiful blue of an early morning sky and dark red something between the color of blood and wine.

She had fallen in love with the ocean blue man, and somehow it seemed they would be together. And then there was a big event. Everyone was looking forward to it. All of them were sewing new clothes or at least had someone doing it for them. Each one in the color of the person who was about to wear it in the end. Even she the girl with two colors made a beautiful dress of her colors. Red flames burning the soft blue of the morning sky.

The dance was wonderful, everyone seeing those colors whirling around in dance thought about the rainbow dancing with itself. And the two colored ones just vanished inside this rush of colors, giving the connection to the others.

But all to soon it was over. Their queen asked the black for the last dance, and all the colors were driven out of the ball room. Only some two colored remained to watch them dance. And as the light and darkness danced along the colors of the left ones changed. And in the moment they had decided for their color, they were driven out as well. But the red flames burning the soft blue of the morning sky remained.

The queen and her dark partner stopped in front of her.
"So this year it is you again Milady." His voice was dark and soft, hiding his power behind.
But she shook her head. "No, it's not. You can't take me with you again. This year there's none of us left for you." She paused and softly added, "my Lord."
But he had already taken a view inside of her colors and found the one she longed for. "We'll see Milady..." As he left the room. "And I guess I can wait Milady, but he has not so much time..."
Leaving this sentence hang in the air he closed the door behind.

The queen watched the young girl. "You've got to go. Or you'll leave him behind with him till next year. But he probably won't be much the same anymore then. It is again your choice. You must find your way."

The next thing I remember seeing is the red flames burning the soft blue of the morning sky as she leaves presents in several rooms. Just as if she says goodbye to everyone and greets them with their colors. And even in the room of the ocean blue she leaves a present.

It's later that day, that the others discover that she has gone. Some try to find out what is going on but they can't find a sign of her.

While the others try to find her, the red flames burning the soft blue of the morning sky finds herself in a dark place, where no color can be seen. Even as she tries to see her own colors she finds just a vanishing blue and darkening red, covering her more and more.
Fear has found its way to her and reaches for her heart and her soul. Gently it's circling her, trying to keep the illusion of the one she longs for.

And yet there's something lighting the darkness as the fear thought to be done with the girl. Without hesitation the girl makes here way following the light. Leaving the fear behind, which can't find any grip at her being anymore.

It is later in this dark without time, that she recognizes the ocean blue. He has become pale and weak. He seems to fade every moment. Softly she touches him with her soul, everything she is. And he slowly opens his eyes again. Even there the blue ocean seemed to be gone. But as she keeps the touch with him, stroking him, his color returns.

"You're really not wasting a lot of time."
The voice behind her, makes her turn around. The absolute black watches her, carefully keeping an eye on every move she makes.

"You'll release him my Lord." The red flames burning the soft blue of the morning sky is calm, her voice is like a wish. Not loud or asking, but nearly quiet and forcing. Even the absolute black has to admit that she's stronger as he has ever expected.

"And what do I get for this Milady?" The absolute black still has her eyes on her.
"You already know it my Lord." Her voice is soft, like the gentle touch of a lover. Slowly she turns to the ocean blue.
"You must leave my dear, this has never been a place for you." And while she strokes him, he finally recovers and the darkness loses its grip. Still weak he is caught by the red flames burning the soft blue of the morning sky. "Go my dear. Just wait for me. Promise me that." With a last kiss, she sends him back to his home. Without giving him the chance to swear what she's asking of him.

Silence fell over the place as the absolute black watches the red flames burning the soft blue of the morning sky.
She's just there, and even as the dark is closing in to her, her colors don't change. Then she slowly turns to the absolute black.
"You now have what you wanted." Just those words, before she closes her eyes and let her fall into the darkness. Her colors fading away within a moment.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo!" Loud and angry, betrayed of what he longed the absolute black, chases away its own shadows. As they have vanished, he hardly can see her, as all her colors have gone apart from a dark shimmering violet.

Taking her on her arms he concentrated on the ball room. The place began to whirl around and as it slowed down, the environment had changed completely. The ball room was now empty and seemed to be abandoned. Only the faded mosaic of the floor remembered its story.

As he lay her down on the floor the faded colors of the mosaic flickered. Around her little balls of color turned up. Starting to circle her, while they forced the absolute black to step back. The door opened and the queen entered the room.

"So here you are, bringing her back." The beautiful shining light of the queen lit the room and opened the seal hiding the colors.
"And there's no way I won't get paid for that." The absolute black said.
"You've been paid, she did it. And now you leave." The queen remarked. "Out." Her voice forced him to leave the ball room.
"I'll be back." he mourned before he vanished.

"Do your work my dears." The queen smiled and weaved her light with the balls of color. Soon something new was taking shape. A beautiful dress all in violet, shimmering blue like the early morning sky and red like wine of blood.
"Wake up, young lady. Won't you?" The queen whispered and let the dress slide down to the girl. As it covered her, the queen turned and left. "Come back, there is someone waiting for you."
Then the door closed.

Written on 5th September 2008
© Sean Dimitjana Barleben

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