English Stuff

A collection of my English texts - most of them still need to get overworked.
So it would be nice if you help me to find the mistakes - just leave a comment and tell.
Thank you and enjoy it here

Sean Dimitjana

Location: Germany

I spend my time with writing, reading, music and with friends.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

Galdriad and Sherina

“It’s an old story, never ending as changing from day to night and night to day. All began with a simple kiss promising the world for the beloved one.
Sherina was the name of Galdriads beloved one. All he gave for her and as he did she did too as well. Everyone believed in what they told and nothing mad could ever change this. Someday both were on their way to a friend. They lost and never found again. An old legend tells that when time is right and sun and moon meet in the fields of gold then Galdriad and Sherina will find. But until this day will come, both will be wanderers between the dimensions and times, lost souls kept in a body through a promising kiss….”
The narrator stopped and looked in the faces of waiting children. He smiled and then continued by saying:
“That’s what is all about. Now go home and tomorrow we’ll may continue.”
“Ooh. But we want to get more.” The children protested. It was always the same.

Years later…
Galdriad visited his old friend the narrator.
“Hey narrator!” he called.
“Gandrian.” The narrator had been waiting for Galdriad but the world needn’t to know that the story he was telling was true.
“Oh my narrator, I found her.”
“Gandrian that are good news. But why you’re looking so sad my friend?” The narrator took Galdriads arm and led him in his housing. Inside Galdriad sat down and whispered:
“She doesn’t know who I am. Doesn’t know why she should know me.”
“Galdriad. I’m sorry.” Normally nothing could stop the narrator from talking but the sadness of his old friend made him feeling guilty although he knew that it wasn’t the mistake of him. “What else?”
“She told me to go. Told me she would have married and would be waiting for her second child. How could she do this to me?” Galdriad broke down and cried.
A strange feeling of knowing grew in the narrator.
“Please Galdriad calm down. Try to calm yourself. Maybe that I may help you.”
Galdriad didn’t stopped crying but he looked at his friend.
“Really?” Hope started to flood through Galdriad.
“Yeah. Really. You remember the legend? Your own legend? Well you got a twin as well as she has. And your twins don’t know another. They’re kept in rebirth and can live as they want to live.” The narrator stopped. Maybe he shouldn’t tell Galdriad the whole truth about the twins but his friend was right now living for more than thousand years and anyway it had to end. So he continued.
“You got to find your twin and then your twins should be brought together. And if they kiss only one time – your Sherina will find you. Then you’ll have to live together for a week. But you got only one chance. If you get parted in this week you’ll never find again and nothing will ever free you of wandering between times and dimensions.”
“Sounds easy. But I don’t know where to start searching my twin.” Galdriad smiled at his friend with hope in his eyes but sorrow in his heart.

~ When time is right
the fields of gold
a promising kiss
and the twins love
then and only then
Galdriad and Sherina
will get their chance. ~

The narrator gave his friend a chain with an amulet. “Take it to your heart and it will help you to find your twin and Sherina.”
Galdriad took it and went for his search. The days passed and still he hadn’t found his twin. Frightened and hungry was Galdriad as he finally found him. No need of words or explanations. Galdriads twin cared for Galdriad and went with him. The days passed and Galdriad became friend with his twin. Together they laughed and joked. And so the journey passed fast. On a beautiful morning the reached the town where Sherinas twin and the narrator lived.
“Gandrian! You’re already…!” The narrator stopped and looked at the twins. “But who is who?”
The twins laughed and so did the narrator.
“I’m Galdriad.” The twin said and smiled at the narrator.
“Well I got a surprise for you.”
The twins followed the narrator.
“Is this Sherina? The one I’d been searching for all my life?”
“Yes.” Galdriad smiled at his twin. This moment the girl woke up.
“Narrator! Why are these men here?” She wasn’t afraid just a bit angry. But looking at Galdriads twin she forgot her anger.
“Is it really true?” She stood up and took the twins hand. Before he could do anything she kissed him and he hold her in his arms as if he would never let her go again.
And while they kissed Galdriad feeled taken by something mighty. As he opened his eyes he saw his Sherina.
“Didn’t I told you that I’d never let you go?” she said. He only smiled, laid his arms around her and while he kissed her, he took her to another room.
A week passed and they stayed together. And as sun and moon met in the fields of gold, Sherina and Galdriad died. Free of all chains they chased away in the sun of a new and hopefull morning.
But the narrator kept on telling the legend of Galdriad and Sherina.


Written on 23rd and 24th July 2003
© Sean Dimitjana



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