English Stuff

A collection of my English texts - most of them still need to get overworked.
So it would be nice if you help me to find the mistakes - just leave a comment and tell.
Thank you and enjoy it here

Sean Dimitjana

Location: Germany

I spend my time with writing, reading, music and with friends.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Stars will fall down
and the sky will burn
as roses die
all hope fades away

I'm losing ground
nothing makes sense
all that belonged to me
has vanished
in the misery
called life

no more I hope
that anything will be
no more I want
anyone around me
no more I wish
something to happen

For you're gone
where's the sense in now?
You were all I needed
your lack
is breaking me down.

Written on 21st October 2006
© Sean Dimitjana

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Blogger jojo said...

stanza 2.....you're not "loosing" ground, you're losing ground. Also, a little punctuation goes a long way. Check out a couple I composed, on my blog: http://2cents-jojo.blogspot.com

4:32 PM  
Blogger Dimitjana said...

Thank you jojo.
If there are other mistakes please tell me.

7:37 AM  

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