English Stuff

A collection of my English texts - most of them still need to get overworked.
So it would be nice if you help me to find the mistakes - just leave a comment and tell.
Thank you and enjoy it here

Sean Dimitjana

Location: Germany

I spend my time with writing, reading, music and with friends.

Friday, December 14, 2007

peaceful rest

It's been a while
since I heard your voice
and yet
nothing has changed

still you make me smile
and still I'll find rest
when you're around
everything seems so far away

all my troubles fade
and I can feel peace inside of me
like always
when you told me a tale

I really wonder who you are
and what it is
that connects us
in this very special way

you take away the pain
the restless thoughts
which try hard to kill me
to break me once more

I've always longed for a rest
some peace of mind
a kind of freedom
I never understood

I never wanted to be on the run
chasing from chance to chance
trying to keep up with others
fighting for my life

since I've been a small one
I had to proof
that I was as good
as they were

sometimes I don't know
what I would have done
without you
and your tales

and yet
you were alway there
you gave me a refuge
my place of peaceful rest

time to find myself
good advices
you believed in me
and still do

Written on 15th December 2007
© Sean Dimitjana Barleben

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