English Stuff

A collection of my English texts - most of them still need to get overworked.
So it would be nice if you help me to find the mistakes - just leave a comment and tell.
Thank you and enjoy it here

Sean Dimitjana

Location: Germany

I spend my time with writing, reading, music and with friends.

Monday, December 17, 2007


It's every single word
that you say
every little move
that you do

your smile
when you say hello
and the way
you look at me

I'm amazed
by everything you do
I feel breathless
when you're around

you make my day
every time I see you
you don't even have
to notice me

sometimes I wonder
if you even know me
or if I'm just one
you don't care about

and still
you give me hope
your songs
let me go on

Written on 17th December 2007
© Sean Dimitjana Barleben

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